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Board Disciplinary Actions

The Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy has provided a summary of licenses currently under disciplinary action. This information is a matter of public record. Although the information is believed to be accurate, the Board makes no guarantees. The Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy disclaims liability for any errors or omissions. Users of this service may contact the Board to assure accuracy. A copy of the Board Order for any disciplinary action, or a written list of all disciplinary actions may be obtained by downloading the public records request form found on the Forms section of this website and submitting said form along with applicable processing fee.

Beaugez, Sarah J.

License number: PT488
Violation: Failure to comply with Licensing Board order.
Disciplinary action: Failure to follow Board directive. License shall remain suspended until Respondent complies with conditions of: continuing psychiatric treatment until discharged by a Board-approved psychiatrist or mental health professional; have the evaluator /assessor send a written report with treatment recommendation and a final assessment; quarterly reports to the Board by the psychiatric or mental health provider; licensee shall file quarterly reports of compliance to the Board; pay investigative costs of $500.00; pay and court reporter costs of $613.20.
Effective date: 12-15-2021
License Status: SUSPENDED

Biesinger, Thomas Y.

License number: PT952
Violation: Failed to maintain adequate patient records, and ensure that documentation and coding for physical therapy services accurately reflect the nature and extent of the services provided.
Disciplinary action: Reprimand. $250.00 monetary penalty.
Effective date: 9-23-2020
License Status: ACTIVE

Eaves, Chadwick L.

License number: PT3244
Violation: Violation of regulations governing physical therapists to practice in the best interests of the public.
Disciplinary action: Plead guilty to a felony charge, and engaged in conduct considered by the Board to be detrimental to the profession of physical therapy. Immediate probation to run consecutively with Circuit Court probation, and $500 fine.
Effective date: 3-25-2021
License Status: ACTIVE

Goff, Michael T.

License number: PTA4044
Violation: Engaged in dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct likely to harm the public in the course of professional services; failed to maintain adequate patient records; engaged in conduct that the Board considers to be detrimental to the physical therapy profession; failed to make sound decisions in collaboration with the physical therapist; failed to demonstrate integrity in their relationships with patient/clients; failed to provide truthful, accurate, and relevant information and not make misleading representations, failed to fulfill their legal and ethical obligations; failed to comply with applicable local, state, and federal laws, failed to promote work environments that support ethical and accountable decision-making; and failed to ensure that documentation for their interventions accurately reflects the nature and extent of the services provided.
Disciplinary action: Placed on probation until expiration of license on June 30, 2021, monetary penalty of $2000.00 in addition to court reporting costs of $1474.00. The total amount of $3474.00 must be paid in full during the probation period; and in addition to biennial continuing competence hours, must have 3 additional hours in professional ethics with written verification.
Effective date: 1-28-2021
License Status: ACTIVE

Graham, Chelsea Byrd

License number: PTA6944
Violation: Engaged in misconduct.
Disciplinary action: Probation for 2 years, with the suspension lifted after the Order is signed by the Board. During the 2 years of probation, licensee is restricted from practicing in the home health setting. 3 additional hours of continuing competence must be completed face to face, for each year of probation; in either boundaries, sexual exploitation, elder abuse, or vulnerable adults, with certificates of completion being submitted to the Board. Employers and direct supervisors must be provided with a copy of the Board Order; monthly employer reports for the first year of probation; then quarterly reports for the second year of probation; a monetary penalty of $400.00; and $100.00 investigative costs.
Effective date: 7-18-2024
License Status: ACTIVE

Grantham, Scotty W.

License number: PT3612
Violation: Engaged in dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public in the course of professional services or activities; failed to adhere to recognized standards of ethics of the physical therapy profession as established by the Board; Violated provisions of Board rules or regulations or a written order or directive of the Board.
Disciplinary action: License to remain in suspension for 1 year, with random testing, then placed on 2 years probation with random testing to be continued. Quarterly employer reports or if self-employed quarterly reports by licensee. Restrictions from practicing in settings where medications are not controlled by appropriate personnel, specifically home health; for 20 years. $1000.00 fine and cost, 3 hours of professional ethics in addition to those required for renewal. ***UPDATED*** Revocation of license.
Effective date: 12-20-2022
License Status: REVOKED

Hailey-Dukes, Jennifer K.

License number: PTA5563
Violation: Failure to follow a directive of the Board.
Disciplinary action: Failure to adhere to Regulations governing licensure; and failure to fulfill legal and ethical obligations by complying with applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations. License shall remain suspended until licensee complies with all conditions imposed by Texas Board of Physical Therapy for renewal of license, and compliance with all necessary legal requirements for reinstatement of license in both Texas and Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy.
Effective date: 2-14-2023
License Status: ACTIVE

Hopperdietzel, Betty A.

License number: PTA6294
Violation: Negligence in the practice or performance of professional services or activities, failing to adhere to the recognized standards of ethics of the physical therapy profession as established by Board rule, and failed to comply with and acted in violation of the Physical Therapy Act, Board rules or regulations or written order or directive of Board, negligence in the practice or performance of professional services or activities, failing to adhere to the recognized standards of ethics of the physical therapy profession as established by Board rule, and failed to comply with and acted in violation of the Physical Therapy Act, Board rules or regulations or written order or directive of Board, failure to provide truthful and accurate information and made misleading representation, failed to demonstrate integrity in her relationships with her patients, employers, payers and public, failed to fulfill legal and ethical obligations, failed to comply with applicable, local and state laws, failed to support ethical and accountable decision-making and falsifying documentation regarding the nature and extent of services.
Disciplinary action: License suspended for three (3) years, must petition and appear before Board in person for reinstatement, after reinstatement of license place on one (1) year probation beginning upon re-employment as a physical therapist assistant in MS, while on probation must provide monthly status reports form supervising physical therapist, maintain biennial continuing competence (CC) hours while on suspension and probation, within 90 days of the signed Order, must successfully complete three (3) hours of face-to-face CC hours in Board-approved ethics and pay a monetary penalty of $1,700.00, investigative/court reporter costs of $650.00.
Effective date: 2-19-2025
License Status: SUSPENDED

Houston, Marcus Rafeal 

License number: PT4855
Violation: Engaged in negligence in the practice or performance of professional services, failed to maintain adequate patient records; engaged in dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public; and had disciplinary action taken against his license in another state. Failed to promote behaviors and business practices that benefit patients; and failed to accurately reflect the nature and extent of the services provided.
Disciplinary action: Suspension of license for a period which is to end 6 months after December 14, 2023. At the conclusion of suspension, 5 years probation, random visits to work sites, 3 additional hours of Board approved Professional Ethics to biennial requirements, $400.00 fine and $100.00 investigation fees, and quarterly self-reports to the Board.
Effective date: 6-13-2024
License Status: ACTIVE

Kuemmerle, Daniel R.

License number: PTA6638
Violation: Submitting false claims.
Disciplinary action: Remand Order issued.
Effective date: 10-21-2021
License Status: EXPIRED

Lee, Stacey C.

License number: PT4728
Violation: Failing to maintain adequate patient records
Disciplinary action: Suspension for one (1) year until July 1, 2025 thereafter probation for two (2) years; maintain all biennial continuing competence hours required during the suspension/probation status, and in addition for each year license is on probationary status, three (3) hours of Board-approved continuing competence in documentation, time management or ethics course; while on probation each employer must be provided with a copy of the Board Order and provide quarterly progress reports to her employment and practice as a physical therapist; upon the end of the period of suspension, a petition may be made to the Board in writing for the suspension to end and full reinstatement of her license and a monetary penalty of $1,700 and $100 investigative costs.
Effective date: 12-26-2024
License Status: SUSPENDED

May, Corbin M.

License number: PT7098
Violation: Sexual Misconduct.
Disciplinary action: License suspended for three (3) years; must meet with Board-approved mental health professional/counselor that will provide the Board with quarterly reports; maintain all hours required of the biennial continuing competence during the suspension status, and additionally for each year his license is suspended three (3) hours of Board-approved professional ethics class in sexual boundaries/misconduct, victim impact due to sexual misconduct, etc. Upon the end of the period of suspension, a letter from the approved professional/counselor must be provided to the Board as to the fitness to practice without conditions or restrictions. Then a petition may be made to the Board in writing for the suspension to end and full reinstatement of his license.
Effective date: 9-20-2023
License Status: SUSPENDED

Murphy, Kendal Rae

License number: PTA7160
Violation: Violations of any provisions of this chapter, board rules or regulations or a written order or directive of the board by practicing with an expired license.
Disciplinary action: Reprimanded; $350 monetary penalty and take MS jurisprudence exam
Effective date: 12-26-2024
License Status: ACTIVE

Myers, Steven H.

License number: PT3128
Disciplinary action: Closed. No violations found.
Effective date: 11-5-2020
License Status: ACTIVE

Pennington, John Levi 

License number: PTA6426
Violation: Violations of any provisions of this chapter, board rules or regulations or a written order or directive of the board by practicing with an expired license.
Disciplinary action: Reprimanded; $350 monetary penalty and take MS jurisprudence exam
Effective date: 2-19-2025
License Status: ACTIVE

Rankins, James H.

License number: PT3975
Violation: Failure to maintain adequate or accurate records.
Disciplinary action: 4 years of probation, and cannot work in Home Health during that time, $5100.00 fine and costs, 3 hours of professional ethics in addition to those required for renewal, and monthly employer reports to the Board.
Effective date: 9-16-2021
License Status: ACTIVE

Rowe, Richard P.

License number: PTA4015
Violation: Failed to support organizational behaviors and business practices that benefit patients. Did not ensure that documentation accurately reflects the nature and extent of services provided.
Disciplinary action: 6 months probation, $1250.00 monetary penalty, complete an additional course in Documentation, monthly drug and alcohol testing, and quarterly employer reports. ****REVISION**** Suspension of license/Non-compliance with Order. ****REVISION*** License revoked
Effective date: 5-31-2021
License Status: REVOKED

Rowe, Richard P.

License number: PTA4015
Violation: Failed to support organizational behaviors and business practices that benefit patients. Did not ensure that documentation accurately reflects the nature and extent of services provided.
Disciplinary action: 6 months probation, $1250.00 monetary penalty, complete an additional course in Documentation, monthly drug and alcohol testing, and quarterly employer reports. ****REVISION*** Suspension of license/ Non-Compliance with Order. ***REVISION*** License revoked.
Effective date: 5-31-2021
License Status: REVOKED

Ryals, Andrew K.

License number: PT4898
Violation: Failure to provide adequate or accurate medical records.
Disciplinary action: Engaged in dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct of a character likely to defraud or harm the public in the course of professional services or activities; failed to provide and be aware that charges ensure the nature and extent of services provided. Placed on 1 year probation, $1100.00 fine and costs, quarterly employer reports, and 3 hours of professional ethics in additional to those required for renewal.
Effective date: 1-27-2023
License Status: EXPIRED

Semento, Melissa S.

License number: PTA4046
Violation: Improper billing practices.
Disciplinary action: Negligent in the practice or performance of professional services; failed to adhere to the recognized standards of ethics of the physical therapy profession; failed to maintain adequate patient records; and failed to ensure that documentation for their interventions accurately reflects the nature and extent of the services provided. Placed on 1 year probation, $1100.00 fine and costs, and 3 hours of professional ethics in addition to those required for renewal.
Effective date: 2-14-2023
License Status: EXPIRED

Sloan, Shelby Boykin

License number: PTA5731
Disciplinary action: Failed to maintain adequate patient records, and ensure that documentation accurately reflected the nature of the services provided. Probation for 2 years, monetary penalty of $1500.00, within 30 days take a Medicare Fraud and Abuse course; in addition to biennial courses for renewal. ***REVISION*** Remand Order issued. Prior to reinstatement of a license to practice, statutory and regulatory requirements must be met to resolve the complaint with the Board.
Effective date: 1-3-2021
License Status: EXPIRED

Stutts, Byron A.

License number: PT1522
Violation: Falsifying documentation.
Disciplinary action: Engaged in negligence in the practice or performance of professional services; committed dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct likely to harm the public in the course of professional services or activities; failed to maintain adequate patient records; and failed to ensure that documentation and coding for physical therapy services accurately reflect the nature and extent of the services. License were immediately suspended until June 30, 2022. A monetary penalty of $1700.00, with $575.00 court reporter costs was accessed to be paid within thirty days, or payments arranged. 3 hours in each in courses of professional ethics, Medicare fraud, and professionalism must be taken and completion shown, in additional to the biennial requirements for renewal. The licensee is restricted from working in a home health or nursing home environment. All requirements of the Order must be met prior to being eligible to apply for reinstatement.
Effective date: 11-4-2021
License Status: SUSPENDED

Suddeth, Eric B.

License number: PTA7524
Violation: Engaged in any conduct considered by the Board to be detrimental to the profession of physical therapy
Disciplinary action: Probation for two (2) years with the two-year period beginning when he practices as a physical therapist assistant in Mississippi; provide documentary evidence he has paid all court fines, and has met all conditions of his court probation; must provide a copy of the Board Order to each employer and each employer must provide the Board with signed/notarized statement verifying employer received a copy of the Board Order; prior to accepting any employment he must provide a copy of the Board Order to the prospective employer; minimum of one (1) unannounced blood/urine drug screen per month and have probation officer submit copies of all drug screen reports while on probation; submit random drug test for the last year of his probation with the Board; quarterly reports of his day-to-day job performance evaluation with emphasis on patient/physical therapy documentation by supervising physical therapists and a $100 monetary penalty and $100 investiative costs.
Effective date: 12-26-2024
License Status: ACTIVE

Toles, Dontavious D.

License number: PTA6487
Violation: Violations of any provisions of this chapter, board rules or regulations or a written order or directive of the board by practicing with an expired license.
Disciplinary action: Reprimanded; $350 monetary penalty and take MS jurisprudence exam
Effective date: 2-25-2025
License Status: ACTIVE

Weaver, Kelsi Renae

License number: PT6825
Violation: Negligence in the practice or performance of professional services or activities; engaging in dishonorable, unethical or unprofessional conduct of a character likely to deceive, defraud or harm the public in the course of professional services or activities; failing to adhere to the recognized standards of ethics of the physical therapy profession as established by Board rule; and violations of any provisions of this, Board rules or regulations or a written order or directive by the Board rule.
Disciplinary action: Probation for two (2) years; each employer must be provided with a copy of the Board Order and provide quarterly progress reports to her employment and practice as a physical therapist; Board-approved health professional/therapist/counselor must provide monthly reports to the fitness to practice for the first year of probation then quarterly reports for the second year of probation; three (3) face-to face hours of Board-approved continuing competence in professional ethics in addition to the biennial continuing education requirement; and a monetary penalty of $1,000 and $100 investigative costs.
Effective date: 12-20-2024
License Status: ACTIVE

Williams, Michael J.

License number: PT1546
Violation: Action taken against licensee by California Board of Physical Therapy.
Disciplinary action: Disciplinary action was taken against the Applicant's license to practice physical therapy in California, with a Decision and Order entered by the Physical Therapy Board of California, Department of Consumer Affairs; adopting the Stipulated Surrender of License and Order as its Decision.
Effective date: 6-7-2023
License Status: DENIED

York, Dana Marie

License number: PT4003
Violation: Falsification of patient documentation and billing.
Disciplinary action: Remand Order issued. Prior to reinstatement of a license to practice, statutory and regulatory requirements must be met to resolve the complaint with the Board.
Effective date: 12-28-2020
License Status: EXPIRED

Mississippi State Board of Physical Therapy
P.O. Box 55707
Jackson, MS 39296-5707
Phone: (601) 352-2918
Fax: (601) 352-2920